Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Don’t Re-victimize the victim

Good Morning to all my readers, I know I have been missing in action lately. Between work and kids I hardly get time to write but I need to put some time aside to write. I hoping everyone is doing well and keeping warm for the holidays.

Today I want to discuss how victims get victimized over and over again. I lost a very good friend of mine due to being victimized to the point that she could not take it anymore so took her own life, leaving two beautiful children behind. I had a dream about her last night and I felt as though she wanted me to share her story to bring awareness to others. Rumors and gossip might just be a form of entertainment to some people but it can destroy another’s life. I will start her story by a couple quotes that touched me…

“Men are not always the enemy, but the fellow victims. The real enemy is women's denigration of themselves.”  ~ Betty Friedan

“We are victims of evil customs. It is a crime against humanity that our women are shut up within the four walls of the houses as prisoners. There is no sanction anywhere for the deplorable condition in which our women have to live.”  ~ Muhammad Ali Jinnah

“People don’t die from suicide, they often die from sadness”  ~ unknown

“Always be careful of what you hear about a woman. Rumors either come from a man that can’t have her or a woman who can’t compete with her.”  ~ unknown

I was in my late teen years and my friend was quite older than I was. Regardless of age, we became great friends. She had just gotten married at the time and she was excited to begin her new life with the man that she loved.  The way her eyes lit up as she spoke of him renewed my faith in love. Little did either of us know, things would change within a few months? We had lost contact during this time. I was at a local store when I saw her again. She seemed different…she avoided eye contact. It felt as though the life had been drained out of her. I rushed over to her and gave her the tightest hug I could and as we stood there, I felt her trembling in my arms. When I finally let go to look at her, I was shocked. She had a black eye and bruises on her neck. She began to get emotional as she looked back at me. I could see the pain and suffering in her eyes.

I took her with me to get coffee and as we sat at the table, she poured her heart out to me. She told me how her dream had turned into a nightmare. Her husband had begun doing drugs and he was having an affair on her. When she would question him, he would get angry and beat her. He was extremely controlling…to the point where he kept her isolated from everyone. After realizing what had become of her life, I began trying to find ways to get her out of the toxic relationship that was slowly killing her inside. After discussing all that had happened with her family, we were able to discuss a divorce. Luckily, she did not have any children to keep her tied to him, so we were able to get her divorced.

After leaving him, she blossomed again. She became that fun, happy person she once was before her marriage. We would constantly spend hours talking about the future and what we wanted to do. We would laugh and cry together…we had become the close friends we were back in my teenage years once more. After a year, her family had begun to pressure her about marriage once more. They told her that people were talking and she should get married again while she is still young. After constant nagging, she had finally agreed to get married again.

Her parents found the perfect guy. They were family friends and he was a really great person. He stayed away from drinking and he never smoked. He was a very family oriented man, or that’s how he was described. She agreed to marry this “perfect man” to please her family, but he began to show his true colors after marriage. He would constantly taunt her about being divorced or, as he put it, “a throw away.” He said his marriage to her was a marriage of convenience. She spoke to her parents about it but they just brushed it under the rug saying that she has already been divorced once and divorcing another man will only cause more gossip. As parents always say “what are people going to say. “ The emotional abuse continued to get worse but she put up with it. She gave birth to a son and a year later, she gave birth to a daughter. They were the apples of her eyes. Even though the abuse from her husband was unbearable, she kept going for the sake of her children. But with time, the emotional abuse became physical abuse. He cracked her ribs and broke her nose but her parents kept saying, “it will get better.”

She reached a point where she finally stood up and refused to put up with his abuse any longer. She was worried because his abuse began effecting their children, so she left him. She called me to pick her up, and I did. I told him if he was to come near her again, I would personally call the police on him and get him deported. I stood with her as she went through the legal process. She was given soul custody of her children and her ex-husband took off to India to find a new wife to torture. My friend’s family dis-owned her for getting divorced twice and the Indian community tabooed her.  She was judged by all and called names. She would go to the temple for some peace but instead was looked at and talked about by other women. Women would not talk to her and told their children not to play with her kids. So now, not only was she effected but so were her innocent children.

She would return home and cry to herself. She woke up every morning trying to find the strength to make it through another day. She felt as though she was being kicked while she was already down. She fell into depression. I would talk to her on the phone as often as I could to try and cheer her up. I would pick up her kids and take them to the park to give her a break and give them a few hours of peace and happiness. She tried hard to fight back. One day she found that she couldn’t fight anymore. Constantly being victimized took her to a point of no return, so she gave up and took her own life as her children slept soundly in the next room.

Can you imagine what she must have gone through? Can you imagine being in her shoes? What was her fault in all this? Why must we be so close minded that we forget that we are also women? We have daughters, sister and mothers…what if this happened to one of them? Why does a woman become another woman’s worst enemy? We all need to stand together and bring awareness to this issue. It happened years ago but it feels like just yesterday. It still happens to this day. I still go to the temple and hear women talking about other women. It breaks my heart because these women don’t even realize how badly their words victimize the other human being.

If you have nothing good to say about another, don’t say anything at all. My belief is that gossip and spreading rumors is a sin, not only to spread but also to listen to. Please bring awareness to this issue and support the ones in need. Stop judging and love one another so that this world can be a better place for all.

Leaving you with another quote….til next time. GOD bless J

“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.” ~ Mother Teresa