Sunday, January 11, 2015

B.A.C.A. (Bikers Against Child Abuse)


(Bikers Against Child Abuse)


Good Morning to the all my amazing readers. I know I should write more often, so my New Years resolution is to do so. Today let’s talk about a very sensitive subject: child abuse. It’s sad that this should even be a topic of discussion, but it happens every day. What are children? Children are gifts from God given to us to learn new lessons and teach them the lessons we have already learned for ourselves. “While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.”  They are innocent little souls that look up to us as their role models and should feel protected when doing so. What kind of role models do we want to be? Our kids are our future so why not be the best role model for them.


“All kids need is a little help, a little hope and someone who believes in them” ~ Magic Johnson


This quote brings me to B.A.C.A. What, or who, is B.A.C.A. you might ask. B.A.C.A. is a great group of citizens known as “Bikers Against Child Abuse.” These great citizens give children that have been abused the help, hope and belief in them to face their fears and be a stronger individual. This is an amazing group of courageous souls that are on the road to make this a better world for our children to someday lead. Abuse is one of the worst events a child can experience and it makes them feel scared and alone. Then they have to go through the legal system and face their abuser all over again. This can be one of the scariest processes for a child because their abuser becomes some type of supervillain in their eyes. This is where B.A.C.A comes in as a type of knight in shining armor for them. Not only do they go through the legal process as moral support for the child, but they also make home visits to make the child feel safe again. When a little child walks with these courageous citizens known as B.A.C.A., they feel ten feet tall and are full of confidence. Support this group to make this a better and safer place for our children.


I will leave you with this thought and some beautiful quotes that touched my heart. Til next time…


“Every child is a different kind of flower, and all together make this world a beautiful garden”


“The child who knows unconditional love has the greatest gift the world could offer”

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