Wednesday, December 11, 2013

There is an Innocent Child in Everyone

Good Morning All,

I apologize for disappearing on you. I got a new job and over that my other full time job of being a mom. I finally have my time more organized now, so here I am to reconnect with you all. I am working for the public defender’s office now and I totally love my new job. It has given me a different perspective on life. I see the world from both sides now. I previously worked as a victim’s advocate before I moved to a new state. The advocate in me lives on as I see the other side of the table. No one is born bad, it is simply the consequences in life that sometimes steers them in the wrong direction.
In my own life I have seen the worst of people do best of deeds. One often wonders:  what makes people do what they do? That is a million dollar question. If only we can understand each individuals mind. After a bit of research, I have come to realize that a lot of these men in prison were once an innocent child. Be it for popularity or financial situations, they chose the wrong exit off the freeway of good.  A child is born so innocent, so ready to explore this world, the very same world we know to leave us fearful at times. The first few years they see the world through the eyes of their parents. As they grow a little older and make friends, they begin learning lessons for themselves.  Not everyone is blessed with a stable home, loving families, or role models that can hold their hand and show them right from wrong.
“The only time you should look down at someone, is when you are helping them up.” Jesse Jackson
In my line of work as a children’s advocate, I have met many children that were neglected and abused. Now, if these children cannot be placed in a safe and loving environment…where do you see them heading in their future? It is easy to sit at home and judge these kids that later enter a crime filled life. While we tuck our kids in bed and kiss their foreheads goodnight, there is a child out there with no food, no warm bed and one who gets beat before crying themselves to sleep. Yes, we live in a world with all this. Not all children who are abused or neglected choose the negative path, but a high number do. They are so tired and frustrated with their lives being so difficult. They start to hate everything and everyone around them. They build a wall around the innocent child that lives deep inside them. After all, when you have only received pain from those closest to you, how can you expect anyone else to be any different?
These people can be helped but with love and care. You can touch a life; give a safe home to a child. Give this child that loving family that they crave. What you do for a child today will shape their future to give them a better tomorrow. What you do for them today, they will do for another tomorrow. I can go on and on about this subject but I will end my thought by saying “Pay it forward.”
“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then just feed one.” Mother Teresa

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