Wednesday, September 25, 2013

"Women Abuse is Child Abuse"

Good Afternoon All, it is such a beautiful day out today. The sun is out with a cool breeze. I had the best early morning run. Let’s discuss a little bit more about domestic violence and how it affects our whole family, especially our children. Children always watch what we do, no matter what anyone says these kids are affected by our actions…
Here are some stories of different women in different parts of the world facing domestic violence:

“Don’t do what you don’t want to see your child do. If you don’t want your child to be what you are today, be what you want your child to be in future.”

Children learn from watching adults. Be a good role model so that your children can have a happier future. When a husband/partner abuses their spouse for whatever reason, they think that the only person they are harming is the one they are abusing. But if there are children in the relationship, the children are also being affected. Children are also victims of abuse even if they are just by-standers. When children watch their mothers being abused, they are subjects to second-hand abuse. I use this term to show how a child becomes a victim just by watching the abuse. Children learn most of their behaviors at a young age from watching the adults in their lives. A child that witnesses his/her parent being abused usually keep to themselves, they grow up with a low self-esteem. The child feels helpless because they can’t protect their parent. A lot of the time these children blame themselves for the violence in their homes. In some situations, a child will do anything and everything to keep the abusive parent happy even if that means they will mistreat their mothers themselves. By keeping silent, you are not only putting yourself at risk but also your child at risk. This child can grow up to either be an abuser or a victim of abuse because this becomes a normal way of living for them. Children witnessing abuse puts them in a more vulnerable place for a stranger to take advantage of the child because this child will warm up to the first person that gives them some positive attention. There are predators out in the world that look for vulnerable children that they can take advantage of. STOP domestic violence to give your children safer and happier lives and a stronger future!! I would like to leave you with a nice quote…

“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.”  ~Frederick Douglass

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