Saturday, August 31, 2013

Life is like a Day

Sorry all, got a little late posting... I went for a long drive with my younger son and a good friend of mine to go visit my cousin sister, My friend said something that really touched me so I had to write about it. She is such a wise soul...

"Life is like a day... it slowly goes up until it reached the highest peak which is the brightest and then slowly comes down and it gets dark and the day ends as life ends." ~TG

It was said so well that I had to blog about it. We are born and from that day until we are teens, our parents look after us so we are carefree. Then we become teens and feel on top of the world because we think we know it all and no one knows better then us. As adults, we learn ways to make money and a name for ourselves in the society. We get married, have children and become successful with a big name. This is the highest peak of our lives...the brightest!! The day comes as we get older, we start to come down slowly bit by bit. Kids grow up, move away, get married and get busy in their own lives. Partner has so many other priorities so not enough time with you. Now our children have a bigger name in the society and we are known more by their name. The person starts to slowly feel all alone and down. So I believe life is like a day. We come alone and empty handed, we leave alone and empty handed... Why not enjoy and treasure every single moment like it's our last!!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Labor Day Weekend

Good Afternoon All.... Everyone is getting ready for the long weekend.. my kids love having the extra day off school. I am looking forward to "Teeyan" (Women's Day) on Sunday. Teeyan is a Punjabi celebration for all women. It is an amazing celebration with different food stalls, colorful Indian outfit stalls, singing, dancing, recognize women for the wonderful things they do. It is such a motivational celebration of and for women. I think celebrations like these should be in all cultures so that everyone can recognize the value and strength of women. We are daughters, sisters, wives, mothers, aunts, and grandmothers. I am so excited to be a part of this celebration. My friend Parm Takhar is putting this event together with the help of other women in the community. Parm is such a great inspiration of mine, she is strong willed and goes out of her way to help others and stands up for what is right. She is a true Women's advocate. May we all get together and celebrate women's day and give hope to our sisters that lose hope in their journey through life... SPREAD happiness!!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Women Power

Good Morning all, I hope everyone is having a beautiful Thursday morning. I will start by sharing a scripture with you.. God has given women the same rights as men. I read in Sikh Scriptures by Guru Nanak Dev ji,

 "Man is born from a woman; within woman, man is conceived; to a woman he is engaged and married. Man is friends with woman; through woman, the future generations exist. When his woman passes away, he seeks another woman; to a woman a man is bound. So why call her bad? From her, kings are born. From a woman, woman is born; without woman there would be no one at all" (Guru Granth Sahib Ji, 473).

Why should a women be called inferior when she is the one that gives us birth. Women give and give and never ask anything in return because God has given us that strength. We are not weak, we can stand up to any big storm that comes our way... just have confidence, respect and love for yourself. You should not put up with injustice and fight for your rights. Women have a lot of rights, you just have to educate yourself with your rights and fight for them. God made us all equal as human, no one is more superior than the other.. Know your life king size!!!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Drama Free Life

Good Evening everyone, my day started out late today. So today let's talk about drama created by gossip and lies. Everyone wants a drama free life but nothing is being done to make it happen. Drama free life is staying away from gossip... when you hear two people gossip, just walk away... Don't become interested in the scoop about someone.. If people are talking about someone behind their back, more then likely it is a bunch of lies... because if it was the truth, this person would have the courage to say it to this person's face then talk about them behind their back. This just happened to a friend of mine and it really hurt her feelings... to the point that she had an anxiety attack. The person talking about her did not know what damage she had caused. Everyone is accountable for there action.. this person may be the next to be talked hurts when the shoe is on the other foot..

"Usually the people who degrade others are self conscious about themselves. They want to feel empowerment over you & see you get in your feelings. Don’t let them." ~ Quotekiss

"No matter what you do, bad or good, people are always gonna have something to say about it. Just remember this: if people always have something to say about your life, that’s saying little about their own. Keep your head up, stay strong, and just breathe." ~ Quotekiss

To the victims of gossip.. it is all cheap talk...don't let it bring you down... people that talk about others are bored with their own lives... Keep your head up and SMILE!!!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Judging Others

Good Morning to all my friends, I apologize for not writing yesterday my kids and I were all sick yesterday. But here I am to start the beautiful Tuesday with you all. Today we are going to talk about judging people. I will start off with a quote...

“How would your life be different if…You stopped making negative judgmental assumptions about people you encounter? Let today be the day…You look for the good in everyone you meet and respect their journey.”   ~ Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free    

We are quick to judge others by the decisions others make in life. Who are we to judge other... none of us are perfect, we all make mistakes...rather I would call them lessons. God put some choices in front of us and we make one choice and learn from it. We are all here to learn...everyday we learn something new...sometimes from kids, friends or total strangers and most of the time from our own choices. It is sad when one judges someone and goes off talking about that individual... do you even once sit back and think what if that was you, that you just put your judgment upon... how is this individual being effected by the way you judge them... Like I said we have no right to judge others as none of us are perfect... Like Steve Maraboli says... " Let today be the day.. You look for the good in everyone you meet and respect their journey"   their journey in life.. Life is beautiful...spread happiness!!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Another Beautiful Sunday Morning...

It is another beautiful Sunday morning... my day is starting with chanting my prayers. .praying for everyone's happiness and well being.

"Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them."
 ~Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama

I am writing this quote to remind us all how important it is NOT to hurt another and to be human. Being a Victim's Advocate, I see innocent people being hurt all the time...let it be women, children or even men in some cases. Be human, treat others as you want to be treated. Why hurt one another... what satisfaction does that gain?  The ones that hurt people walk away, not to look back even for a second for the tears and heart breaks they have caused. And to the victim's who have the potential of becoming survivors. Just reach out for help and it will be provided. God sends angels in form of human to protect you when in need... I have seen this first hand as once I myself was a victim and now a survivor for 16 years. These are all lessons that we learn from and grow.. Grow and live life to the fullest without fear and without putting others in fear...

Saturday, August 24, 2013



We all wonder what our future holds... Our future is what we make of it. It is in our hands to make the future what we want it to be. It all starts with positive thinking.... if we think we can do something or become something...we can!! We just have to send positive thoughts out to attract the positive into our lives. There is always a solution to our problems...and remember problems are temporary. Life is beautiful... SMILE and start your day in a beautiful way :)