Sunday, August 25, 2013

Another Beautiful Sunday Morning...

It is another beautiful Sunday morning... my day is starting with chanting my prayers. .praying for everyone's happiness and well being.

"Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them."
 ~Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama

I am writing this quote to remind us all how important it is NOT to hurt another and to be human. Being a Victim's Advocate, I see innocent people being hurt all the time...let it be women, children or even men in some cases. Be human, treat others as you want to be treated. Why hurt one another... what satisfaction does that gain?  The ones that hurt people walk away, not to look back even for a second for the tears and heart breaks they have caused. And to the victim's who have the potential of becoming survivors. Just reach out for help and it will be provided. God sends angels in form of human to protect you when in need... I have seen this first hand as once I myself was a victim and now a survivor for 16 years. These are all lessons that we learn from and grow.. Grow and live life to the fullest without fear and without putting others in fear...


  1. Don't think that that you can get away by hurting others. You have to pay it back. And if you escape the punishment in this life then you have to pay in your next life. And for me the next life is your kids.

  2. I understand your point Ravinder but I would never wish bad upon anyone's children and I don't think anyone should because our children are our future, we would want to make then honest and strong.
