Saturday, August 31, 2013

Life is like a Day

Sorry all, got a little late posting... I went for a long drive with my younger son and a good friend of mine to go visit my cousin sister, My friend said something that really touched me so I had to write about it. She is such a wise soul...

"Life is like a day... it slowly goes up until it reached the highest peak which is the brightest and then slowly comes down and it gets dark and the day ends as life ends." ~TG

It was said so well that I had to blog about it. We are born and from that day until we are teens, our parents look after us so we are carefree. Then we become teens and feel on top of the world because we think we know it all and no one knows better then us. As adults, we learn ways to make money and a name for ourselves in the society. We get married, have children and become successful with a big name. This is the highest peak of our lives...the brightest!! The day comes as we get older, we start to come down slowly bit by bit. Kids grow up, move away, get married and get busy in their own lives. Partner has so many other priorities so not enough time with you. Now our children have a bigger name in the society and we are known more by their name. The person starts to slowly feel all alone and down. So I believe life is like a day. We come alone and empty handed, we leave alone and empty handed... Why not enjoy and treasure every single moment like it's our last!!

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