Friday, August 30, 2013

Labor Day Weekend

Good Afternoon All.... Everyone is getting ready for the long weekend.. my kids love having the extra day off school. I am looking forward to "Teeyan" (Women's Day) on Sunday. Teeyan is a Punjabi celebration for all women. It is an amazing celebration with different food stalls, colorful Indian outfit stalls, singing, dancing, recognize women for the wonderful things they do. It is such a motivational celebration of and for women. I think celebrations like these should be in all cultures so that everyone can recognize the value and strength of women. We are daughters, sisters, wives, mothers, aunts, and grandmothers. I am so excited to be a part of this celebration. My friend Parm Takhar is putting this event together with the help of other women in the community. Parm is such a great inspiration of mine, she is strong willed and goes out of her way to help others and stands up for what is right. She is a true Women's advocate. May we all get together and celebrate women's day and give hope to our sisters that lose hope in their journey through life... SPREAD happiness!!

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