Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Drama Free Life

Good Evening everyone, my day started out late today. So today let's talk about drama created by gossip and lies. Everyone wants a drama free life but nothing is being done to make it happen. Drama free life is staying away from gossip... when you hear two people gossip, just walk away... Don't become interested in the scoop about someone.. If people are talking about someone behind their back, more then likely it is a bunch of lies... because if it was the truth, this person would have the courage to say it to this person's face then talk about them behind their back. This just happened to a friend of mine and it really hurt her feelings... to the point that she had an anxiety attack. The person talking about her did not know what damage she had caused. Everyone is accountable for there action.. this person may be the next to be talked hurts when the shoe is on the other foot..

"Usually the people who degrade others are self conscious about themselves. They want to feel empowerment over you & see you get in your feelings. Don’t let them." ~ Quotekiss

"No matter what you do, bad or good, people are always gonna have something to say about it. Just remember this: if people always have something to say about your life, that’s saying little about their own. Keep your head up, stay strong, and just breathe." ~ Quotekiss

To the victims of gossip.. it is all cheap talk...don't let it bring you down... people that talk about others are bored with their own lives... Keep your head up and SMILE!!!

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