Thursday, September 19, 2013


Good morning all, it is a beautiful start of the day. Let me start by saying, I am growing in the world of technology, I just got a Galaxy S4 and I love it. I am like a little kid with candy, happy as can be. Today let’s talk about how a far a smile can go… SMILE is a sign of kindness and it touches the heart.

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around”.  ~Leo Buscaglia

I went to a conference a while back and I really enjoyed listening to this public speaker. What really touched me was her story about a young lady. The public speaker was walking down the street after a long day at work and passed by a young lady; the public speaker gave her a big smile and nodded her head as a gesture of hello. I am sure you have all done that as a part of habit to smile and say hello. To the public speaker whom I will call Julie, it was just another day walking down the street she always walked after a long day at work. But that day a miracle happened which she was a part of but she did not find out about the miracle until a couple of weeks later. As she was walking the same route she always walked, she ran into that young lady again that she had smiled at few weeks back. The young lady approached Julie, thanked her and gave her a big hug. Julie looked confused because she did not know this girl and did not know what she had done for her. So the young lady explained to Julie what a blessing she was in her life and that few weeks back she had left her apartment to go commit suicide as she was so tired of all the issues she was facing. On that day she passed by Julie and Julie gave her a BIG smile, that big smile gave her hope and made her want to live life. That smile told her that there are good people in this world that care. Julie was so touched by this young lady and made it a point to smile at everyone she passed. It was that one smile that saved this girl’s life. When I heard this story I was so touched that I, myself made a point to smile at everyone that crossed my path. One morning as I went to work, I crossed a gentleman that I smiled at and wished him a good morning. As he passed he turned around and said “Thank you for that smile, I needed it today.” You don’t know who you will save with just a simple smile. William Arthur Ward said it so well, “A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.” Smiling can help ourselves as well as others and guess what, it’s free… it does not cost a penny. Live, love and spread happiness. I will leave you with another wonderful quote…

“A smile is happiness you’ll find right under your nose.”  ~ Tom Wilson

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