Monday, September 23, 2013

Brave Men known as Police Officers

Good Morning All, it is Monday morning…meaning moon day. I heard some very sad news this weekend and it just broke my heart. An officer in Indianapolis, IN was shot and killed while saving a life of a victim of domestic violence. Today let’s talk about our brave officers that make our safety their top priority and put their lives on the line for us…

Link to the latest death of an officer saving a DV victim:

“My heroes are those who risk their lives every day to protect our world and make it a better place - police, firefighters and members of our armed forces.” ~ Sidney Sheldon

Yet another officer falls to save a life of a victim of domestic violence. He gives his life to save life of a stranger. We are all guilty of getting upset at officers when they pull us over and give us a ticket. We never see the full picture and are quick to hate. Do you ever think that this was God’s will that this officer stopped us from something big or wrong that could have happened? We could have gotten into a big accident driving at the high speed and killed ourselves or even other innocent people. The officer, who just gave you a ticket for whatever amount, might have just saved your life. The police officers are just doing their job, it is nothing personal and they are trying to protect and serve. Can you imagine this world without police officers? Can you imagine the crime rate? If you think crime rate is bad now, imagine what it would be like without these brave men that become officers to protect us. We sleep at night in peace because there are brave men in form of police officers that stay awake all night to protect us. They are also someone’s sons/daughters, sisters/brothers, husbands/wives, and fathers/mother. They have families that worry for their well beings also. Almost every day an officer falls protecting a complete stranger, a person they have no relation with but still fight hard to protect. On Friday night, Officer Rod Bradway gave his life to save the life of a victim of domestic violence and her child. These are our TRUE heroes… the ones that jump in to save us not once thinking about their own lives. They put their lives at stake to protect the lives of others. With great respect, I SALUTE all our officers that work hard day and night so that we can sleep peacefully and comfortably in our beds!! I will leave you with a little poem that touched me….

“Place a light in your window, make sure it is blue
Reminding friends, an officer gave a life for you
Give light to their remembrance, the color is sad
To family left by officers who knew them as Dad
It isn’t the money, most definitely not the hours
They aren’t comic book hero’s with unnatural powers
They’re simply human beings who place life on the line
Place a blue light in your window, let their memory shine!”
By Gene Rooney November 29th, 2007


  1. I am in US for ten years. When I hear some one saying bad about the US Police I feel so bad. I tell them to just visit the Third World Countries and compare their police with US Police. And then you will see the difference. Being a Cop for 26 years, in one of such countries, who else would know better than me about the hardship, risk, dedication of police officers who works round the clock for couple of thousand dollars per month.

    I salute Officer Rod Bradway, RIP Brother..

  2. Thank you so much for your feedback Ravinder Paji. You are so right, unless anyone has dealt with officers in a third world country, they will not be able to appreciate the law here in US. I know there are corrupt people in every profession but we should not judge all by few bad seeds.
