Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Death; Loss of a Loved One

Good morning all, I know I have been off the radar lately… I was just doing some soul searching. Today we are going to discuss loss of a loved one. What is death? How are we affected? Is hatred really solving anything? We come empty handed, we leave empty handed… nothing goes with us…only thing we can leave behind is love…and loved ones that will keep us alive in their memories….
“Death is nothing else but going home to God, the bond of love will be unbroken for all eternity.”  ~ Mother Teresa
This past week has been a rough one for me, I saw someone try to hold on to life as long as she could and then I saw her slowly drift away. This was such a hard experience for me and made me go deeper into my soul and see what is really important to me in this life…what do I want to accomplish… what is really going to mean anything at the end. Seeing life end closely really opened my eyes and made me appreciate the little things that we don’t see in our busy hectic lives. What is really important at the END is LOVE!! If we love everyone truly and spread love all around until our last breath, we will be remembered by all so we will live in their memories forever. Life never ends. One other thing I have seen is hatred. Why do we hate? Why can’t we forgive and forget… by hating so much we hurt ourselves more than the person we hate. Why do little things become so BIG? We are angry at someone over something small and then we start to add and make that small situation BIG… is it really worth spending your life in hatred? At the end, hatred is not going to matter…these little issues are not going to matter. We die; we leave everything behind…nothing goes with us. We spend all our lives in material things but at the end, the money, the big houses and the nice cars are not going with us…. Everything will be left behind. As we are discussing HATRED, I want to add; never celebrate death of even an enemy because we one day may also lose someone special. By doing so, you are not hurting anyone but yourselves because the one that is gone is not coming back to see that you are celebrating. Seeing death this closely has helped grow deeper in my spiritual journey. Now coming to death, what is death? This body is a house that we have rented and one day the lease will be over and we will move into a new home, a home of God, our real father/mother. We all know we are not here permanently so why do we fear death? Enjoy your experience here on earth…. Live, love, learn and move to the next level. Loss of a loved one can be the hardest. As Robert Benchley quoted “Death ends a life, not a relationship” our loved ones live in our memories forever. Distance doesn’t change anything, they will always be watching over you wherever they go. All you have to do is close your eyes and think of them and they are right there by your side.
Forgive, Forget and move on….otherwise you will be stuck!! Live life, love life and spread lots of love so someone can think fondly of you when you are gone…. I will end my thought with another quote...

“Those we love don’t go away,

They walk beside us every day,

Unseen, unheard, but always near,

Still loved, still missed and very dear.”  ~ Anonymous

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