Sunday, September 8, 2013

"Music is Food for the Soul"

Good morning all, I apologize for not posting for the past two days; I was spending some quality time with my family... I had the most busy but amazing weekend. I went to another celebration for Women's Day (Teeyan Festival) in Stockton. I try not to miss these events because this is one event where we see our talented women and recognize them for it. Saturday evening I went to a concert, Satinder Sartaaj's live show. It was the most amazing night listening to Sufi music. Music is definitely food for the soul...

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination
and life to everything.” ~ Plato

"Music touches us emotionally, where words alone can't." ~ Johnny Depp

Listening to Satinder Sartaaj sing last night just took me to a higher level in spirit... Sufi music just speaks to my soul and takes me to a universe full of love. Can you imagine life without music? We listen to music when we are sad and when we are happy. Music soothes each emotion that we feel. Life without music would be like a journal without a pen. Music gives hope to the ones that have lost everything and adrenalin to the ones that need a little inspiration. Music can touch us much more deeply than any words spoken. We can actually feel and understand music even when there are no words to go with it. Music has something for everyone... even a newborn baby responds to music with a smile. Everyone has their own love for the kind of music they listen to ... but at the end we are all in love with music. Listen to music more and open up your soul to experience life KING size!!!

Ending my thought with some pictures of Satinder Sartaaj...

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