Thursday, September 5, 2013

Being Strong

Good Evening all, I had a very hectic day... spent the day juggling like a million and a half errands... after all that I went for a long run; it totally energized me so I can say I am still SMILING!! I want to talk about being strong today.... Some people write such beautiful quotes but don't want to share their identity; I read a little something written by an unknown author..
"Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors, and fight battles that nobody knows about."

This statement is so true. Being strong is an amazing feeling but why is it that people forget to ask the strong if they are ok? Strong people also get hurt but they just handle the situation differently. Strong people find positive in every negative situation. Strength is within everyone but you just have to find it. Being strong does not mean you are made out of iron, it just means you find the best in every bad situation. It is just a way of thinking. No one can teach you how to be strong. Strong people do not judge others and love everyone for what they are. They find the good in all. I have seen the worst in life, I ran into the worst of people but you learn from each and move on. Every good or bad situation teaches you a you knowledge and makes you stronger. I think it is when we lose everything that we find our true strength. Sixteen years ago, I lost everything...for a while I thought I lost myself. I faced death right in the eye...but look at me now; here I am stronger than ever, ready to face any challenge in life. Life is a lesson, learn from it and grow...

“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.” ~ Arnold Schwarzenegger

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