Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Protecting our Daughters!!

Good evening all, I watched such a horrific video today which really shook me up. We need to bring more attention to this issue; it could easily be our child...our sister... or even a friend next. I am going to start by posting this video and then finish my thoughts with you...please do share your thoughts about it with me also... Me being a victim's advocate, it boils my blood to see this injustice..




My Sikh brother Sukh Sidhu posted this video to bring to our attention to what young girls are facing within our Sikh community in UK. Why are these girls victim's? Why are they so afraid to ask for help? And why are they judged?   This happens every day to young girls... they get exploited and are afraid to ask for help because they get blamed or judged for bad decision. Sikh community is a very strong community but also equally strict. These girls are sheltered from day one and told what to do and what not to do. They are used to being controlled. I am not saying controlling is a bad thing; you are just trying to protect your child....but keep it to a limit. Let children learn from their mistakes as a little kid and support them and prevent them from making bigger mistakes. Talk to your child as if it is another human being with feelings; try to understand their views in life rather than putting decision on them. Kids look for positive attention elsewhere when they are not getting it at home from the people that matter most...their parents. When they get positive attention from an outsider, they get attached to that person because that person saw them for who they were and not put demands on how they want them to be... That person can be evil, like in this case...in the video. They get drawn into bad situation because they get positive attention from strangers. After that, children make bad decisions which changes their whole life that they regret later but whose there to support them after this. Now if these girls were not so afraid to speak to their parents, they would not be forced into doing things that they knew were wrong. They become victims of a sexual crime and are put on drugs by these criminals...while living under their family’s roof...now how sad is that. Once the truth comes out, rather than standing by their child, the parents are ashamed of what people will say and ship the child away to live with others....Now this child is being victimized again for being a victim... where is the justice in this. And instead of supporting this child that went through a nightmare, people are quick to judge...do we ever wonder what if this was our child? Why don't we all get together and educate our community and make it easier for children to come to their parents for help rather than being afraid and falling into this trap. Let's get together and give these girls a second chance in life or prevent this crime from ever being committed. For parents of these girls.. Fight for their rights, do not hide them under covers... teach them to live with their chins up and not their heads down... give them strength, don't teach them weakness.. I worked with Indiana Coalition against Domestic Violence and we had our share of sexual abuse and human trafficking cases...we have worked hands on with these victims. They need our understanding and help getting them through their worst nightmare... May we all be less judgmental and stand by these victims and give them support and hope for a better tomorrow... God Bless!!

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