Wednesday, December 11, 2013

There is an Innocent Child in Everyone

Good Morning All,

I apologize for disappearing on you. I got a new job and over that my other full time job of being a mom. I finally have my time more organized now, so here I am to reconnect with you all. I am working for the public defender’s office now and I totally love my new job. It has given me a different perspective on life. I see the world from both sides now. I previously worked as a victim’s advocate before I moved to a new state. The advocate in me lives on as I see the other side of the table. No one is born bad, it is simply the consequences in life that sometimes steers them in the wrong direction.
In my own life I have seen the worst of people do best of deeds. One often wonders:  what makes people do what they do? That is a million dollar question. If only we can understand each individuals mind. After a bit of research, I have come to realize that a lot of these men in prison were once an innocent child. Be it for popularity or financial situations, they chose the wrong exit off the freeway of good.  A child is born so innocent, so ready to explore this world, the very same world we know to leave us fearful at times. The first few years they see the world through the eyes of their parents. As they grow a little older and make friends, they begin learning lessons for themselves.  Not everyone is blessed with a stable home, loving families, or role models that can hold their hand and show them right from wrong.
“The only time you should look down at someone, is when you are helping them up.” Jesse Jackson
In my line of work as a children’s advocate, I have met many children that were neglected and abused. Now, if these children cannot be placed in a safe and loving environment…where do you see them heading in their future? It is easy to sit at home and judge these kids that later enter a crime filled life. While we tuck our kids in bed and kiss their foreheads goodnight, there is a child out there with no food, no warm bed and one who gets beat before crying themselves to sleep. Yes, we live in a world with all this. Not all children who are abused or neglected choose the negative path, but a high number do. They are so tired and frustrated with their lives being so difficult. They start to hate everything and everyone around them. They build a wall around the innocent child that lives deep inside them. After all, when you have only received pain from those closest to you, how can you expect anyone else to be any different?
These people can be helped but with love and care. You can touch a life; give a safe home to a child. Give this child that loving family that they crave. What you do for a child today will shape their future to give them a better tomorrow. What you do for them today, they will do for another tomorrow. I can go on and on about this subject but I will end my thought by saying “Pay it forward.”
“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then just feed one.” Mother Teresa

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

"Women Abuse is Child Abuse"

Good Afternoon All, it is such a beautiful day out today. The sun is out with a cool breeze. I had the best early morning run. Let’s discuss a little bit more about domestic violence and how it affects our whole family, especially our children. Children always watch what we do, no matter what anyone says these kids are affected by our actions…
Here are some stories of different women in different parts of the world facing domestic violence:

“Don’t do what you don’t want to see your child do. If you don’t want your child to be what you are today, be what you want your child to be in future.”

Children learn from watching adults. Be a good role model so that your children can have a happier future. When a husband/partner abuses their spouse for whatever reason, they think that the only person they are harming is the one they are abusing. But if there are children in the relationship, the children are also being affected. Children are also victims of abuse even if they are just by-standers. When children watch their mothers being abused, they are subjects to second-hand abuse. I use this term to show how a child becomes a victim just by watching the abuse. Children learn most of their behaviors at a young age from watching the adults in their lives. A child that witnesses his/her parent being abused usually keep to themselves, they grow up with a low self-esteem. The child feels helpless because they can’t protect their parent. A lot of the time these children blame themselves for the violence in their homes. In some situations, a child will do anything and everything to keep the abusive parent happy even if that means they will mistreat their mothers themselves. By keeping silent, you are not only putting yourself at risk but also your child at risk. This child can grow up to either be an abuser or a victim of abuse because this becomes a normal way of living for them. Children witnessing abuse puts them in a more vulnerable place for a stranger to take advantage of the child because this child will warm up to the first person that gives them some positive attention. There are predators out in the world that look for vulnerable children that they can take advantage of. STOP domestic violence to give your children safer and happier lives and a stronger future!! I would like to leave you with a nice quote…

“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.”  ~Frederick Douglass

Monday, September 23, 2013

Brave Men known as Police Officers

Good Morning All, it is Monday morning…meaning moon day. I heard some very sad news this weekend and it just broke my heart. An officer in Indianapolis, IN was shot and killed while saving a life of a victim of domestic violence. Today let’s talk about our brave officers that make our safety their top priority and put their lives on the line for us…

Link to the latest death of an officer saving a DV victim:

“My heroes are those who risk their lives every day to protect our world and make it a better place - police, firefighters and members of our armed forces.” ~ Sidney Sheldon

Yet another officer falls to save a life of a victim of domestic violence. He gives his life to save life of a stranger. We are all guilty of getting upset at officers when they pull us over and give us a ticket. We never see the full picture and are quick to hate. Do you ever think that this was God’s will that this officer stopped us from something big or wrong that could have happened? We could have gotten into a big accident driving at the high speed and killed ourselves or even other innocent people. The officer, who just gave you a ticket for whatever amount, might have just saved your life. The police officers are just doing their job, it is nothing personal and they are trying to protect and serve. Can you imagine this world without police officers? Can you imagine the crime rate? If you think crime rate is bad now, imagine what it would be like without these brave men that become officers to protect us. We sleep at night in peace because there are brave men in form of police officers that stay awake all night to protect us. They are also someone’s sons/daughters, sisters/brothers, husbands/wives, and fathers/mother. They have families that worry for their well beings also. Almost every day an officer falls protecting a complete stranger, a person they have no relation with but still fight hard to protect. On Friday night, Officer Rod Bradway gave his life to save the life of a victim of domestic violence and her child. These are our TRUE heroes… the ones that jump in to save us not once thinking about their own lives. They put their lives at stake to protect the lives of others. With great respect, I SALUTE all our officers that work hard day and night so that we can sleep peacefully and comfortably in our beds!! I will leave you with a little poem that touched me….

“Place a light in your window, make sure it is blue
Reminding friends, an officer gave a life for you
Give light to their remembrance, the color is sad
To family left by officers who knew them as Dad
It isn’t the money, most definitely not the hours
They aren’t comic book hero’s with unnatural powers
They’re simply human beings who place life on the line
Place a blue light in your window, let their memory shine!”
By Gene Rooney November 29th, 2007

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Good morning all, it is a beautiful start of the day. Let me start by saying, I am growing in the world of technology, I just got a Galaxy S4 and I love it. I am like a little kid with candy, happy as can be. Today let’s talk about how a far a smile can go… SMILE is a sign of kindness and it touches the heart.

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around”.  ~Leo Buscaglia

I went to a conference a while back and I really enjoyed listening to this public speaker. What really touched me was her story about a young lady. The public speaker was walking down the street after a long day at work and passed by a young lady; the public speaker gave her a big smile and nodded her head as a gesture of hello. I am sure you have all done that as a part of habit to smile and say hello. To the public speaker whom I will call Julie, it was just another day walking down the street she always walked after a long day at work. But that day a miracle happened which she was a part of but she did not find out about the miracle until a couple of weeks later. As she was walking the same route she always walked, she ran into that young lady again that she had smiled at few weeks back. The young lady approached Julie, thanked her and gave her a big hug. Julie looked confused because she did not know this girl and did not know what she had done for her. So the young lady explained to Julie what a blessing she was in her life and that few weeks back she had left her apartment to go commit suicide as she was so tired of all the issues she was facing. On that day she passed by Julie and Julie gave her a BIG smile, that big smile gave her hope and made her want to live life. That smile told her that there are good people in this world that care. Julie was so touched by this young lady and made it a point to smile at everyone she passed. It was that one smile that saved this girl’s life. When I heard this story I was so touched that I, myself made a point to smile at everyone that crossed my path. One morning as I went to work, I crossed a gentleman that I smiled at and wished him a good morning. As he passed he turned around and said “Thank you for that smile, I needed it today.” You don’t know who you will save with just a simple smile. William Arthur Ward said it so well, “A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.” Smiling can help ourselves as well as others and guess what, it’s free… it does not cost a penny. Live, love and spread happiness. I will leave you with another wonderful quote…

“A smile is happiness you’ll find right under your nose.”  ~ Tom Wilson

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Death; Loss of a Loved One

Good morning all, I know I have been off the radar lately… I was just doing some soul searching. Today we are going to discuss loss of a loved one. What is death? How are we affected? Is hatred really solving anything? We come empty handed, we leave empty handed… nothing goes with us…only thing we can leave behind is love…and loved ones that will keep us alive in their memories….
“Death is nothing else but going home to God, the bond of love will be unbroken for all eternity.”  ~ Mother Teresa
This past week has been a rough one for me, I saw someone try to hold on to life as long as she could and then I saw her slowly drift away. This was such a hard experience for me and made me go deeper into my soul and see what is really important to me in this life…what do I want to accomplish… what is really going to mean anything at the end. Seeing life end closely really opened my eyes and made me appreciate the little things that we don’t see in our busy hectic lives. What is really important at the END is LOVE!! If we love everyone truly and spread love all around until our last breath, we will be remembered by all so we will live in their memories forever. Life never ends. One other thing I have seen is hatred. Why do we hate? Why can’t we forgive and forget… by hating so much we hurt ourselves more than the person we hate. Why do little things become so BIG? We are angry at someone over something small and then we start to add and make that small situation BIG… is it really worth spending your life in hatred? At the end, hatred is not going to matter…these little issues are not going to matter. We die; we leave everything behind…nothing goes with us. We spend all our lives in material things but at the end, the money, the big houses and the nice cars are not going with us…. Everything will be left behind. As we are discussing HATRED, I want to add; never celebrate death of even an enemy because we one day may also lose someone special. By doing so, you are not hurting anyone but yourselves because the one that is gone is not coming back to see that you are celebrating. Seeing death this closely has helped grow deeper in my spiritual journey. Now coming to death, what is death? This body is a house that we have rented and one day the lease will be over and we will move into a new home, a home of God, our real father/mother. We all know we are not here permanently so why do we fear death? Enjoy your experience here on earth…. Live, love, learn and move to the next level. Loss of a loved one can be the hardest. As Robert Benchley quoted “Death ends a life, not a relationship” our loved ones live in our memories forever. Distance doesn’t change anything, they will always be watching over you wherever they go. All you have to do is close your eyes and think of them and they are right there by your side.
Forgive, Forget and move on….otherwise you will be stuck!! Live life, love life and spread lots of love so someone can think fondly of you when you are gone…. I will end my thought with another quote...

“Those we love don’t go away,

They walk beside us every day,

Unseen, unheard, but always near,

Still loved, still missed and very dear.”  ~ Anonymous

Sunday, September 8, 2013

"Music is Food for the Soul"

Good morning all, I apologize for not posting for the past two days; I was spending some quality time with my family... I had the most busy but amazing weekend. I went to another celebration for Women's Day (Teeyan Festival) in Stockton. I try not to miss these events because this is one event where we see our talented women and recognize them for it. Saturday evening I went to a concert, Satinder Sartaaj's live show. It was the most amazing night listening to Sufi music. Music is definitely food for the soul...

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination
and life to everything.” ~ Plato

"Music touches us emotionally, where words alone can't." ~ Johnny Depp

Listening to Satinder Sartaaj sing last night just took me to a higher level in spirit... Sufi music just speaks to my soul and takes me to a universe full of love. Can you imagine life without music? We listen to music when we are sad and when we are happy. Music soothes each emotion that we feel. Life without music would be like a journal without a pen. Music gives hope to the ones that have lost everything and adrenalin to the ones that need a little inspiration. Music can touch us much more deeply than any words spoken. We can actually feel and understand music even when there are no words to go with it. Music has something for everyone... even a newborn baby responds to music with a smile. Everyone has their own love for the kind of music they listen to ... but at the end we are all in love with music. Listen to music more and open up your soul to experience life KING size!!!

Ending my thought with some pictures of Satinder Sartaaj...

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Being Strong

Good Evening all, I had a very hectic day... spent the day juggling like a million and a half errands... after all that I went for a long run; it totally energized me so I can say I am still SMILING!! I want to talk about being strong today.... Some people write such beautiful quotes but don't want to share their identity; I read a little something written by an unknown author..
"Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors, and fight battles that nobody knows about."

This statement is so true. Being strong is an amazing feeling but why is it that people forget to ask the strong if they are ok? Strong people also get hurt but they just handle the situation differently. Strong people find positive in every negative situation. Strength is within everyone but you just have to find it. Being strong does not mean you are made out of iron, it just means you find the best in every bad situation. It is just a way of thinking. No one can teach you how to be strong. Strong people do not judge others and love everyone for what they are. They find the good in all. I have seen the worst in life, I ran into the worst of people but you learn from each and move on. Every good or bad situation teaches you a you knowledge and makes you stronger. I think it is when we lose everything that we find our true strength. Sixteen years ago, I lost everything...for a while I thought I lost myself. I faced death right in the eye...but look at me now; here I am stronger than ever, ready to face any challenge in life. Life is a lesson, learn from it and grow...

“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.” ~ Arnold Schwarzenegger

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

What is Domestic Violence??

Good Evening All, today I want to discuss domestic violence. It is an issue that has been going on since the beginning of man-kind. In a lot of cultures it is considered a norm, but it is not normal for one person to hurt another. Let's start by answering: What is domestic violence? I am giving you a link to the agency I once worked for as an advocate so you know what is considered domestic violence. Thanks to ICADV for the following information:

Domestic violence occurs every seven seconds...someone somewhere is being abused. Abuse can be sexual, physical or emotional. Being an advocate myself, I have worked directly with victims of domestic violence, sexual abuse, human trafficking and stalking. These are women just like you and I. In some cultures, abuse is considered a norm...women can be women's worst enemy most of the time. Let's take Indian culture for an example, a situation of a girl I knew that married a US citizen. She got married, left her family in India to become a part of a new family. She goes into this new family with dreams in her eyes of a happy loving life. Few months pass and she experiences a whole different side of this family. The mother-in-law is controlling her every move. If things do not go the way mother-in-law says, then she gets emotionally abused. Then the mother-in-law gets her son, the husband of this girl, involved. She tells him how awful this girl is... this again is just because of control issue. So now her husband, who is a mommy's boy, believes everything mom has to say and then starts physical abuse. Days go by and she is abused every second between the husband and the mother-in-law. She is putting up with this abuse because she doesn't know her rights as a woman in the US. She is afraid of what people will say if she tells anyone and she is afraid to lose the only security she has in the US. It is not easy for a woman to walk out and ask for help. When she is told by friends to leave, she makes excuses for their behavior because she still loves the man she was married to... because as a young girl she was told that once you get married the only way for you to leave your husband is when you die. She tries to live by what she was taught. A lot of women that come to the US from other countries are afraid to ask for help from authorities because in some countries the authorities are corrupt. This was the case in this girl's situation. The best way to tackle this issue is awareness. We all need to get together and educate people and tell them they have rights too. Listen and be there for these victim's and do not make decisions for them. For once, let them make their own decision because decisions have always been made for them. The best gift you can give these women is to educate them of their rights and tell their there is hope. Help them think positive. Helping a victim become a survivor can be so rewarding... Let's get together and put a STOP to domestic violence!!

I read this on Facebook yesterday and really touched me: “People think that the most painful thing in life is losing the one you value, the truth is, the most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of valuing someone too much and forgetting that you are special too.”

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Protecting our Daughters!!

Good evening all, I watched such a horrific video today which really shook me up. We need to bring more attention to this issue; it could easily be our child...our sister... or even a friend next. I am going to start by posting this video and then finish my thoughts with you...please do share your thoughts about it with me also... Me being a victim's advocate, it boils my blood to see this injustice..


My Sikh brother Sukh Sidhu posted this video to bring to our attention to what young girls are facing within our Sikh community in UK. Why are these girls victim's? Why are they so afraid to ask for help? And why are they judged?   This happens every day to young girls... they get exploited and are afraid to ask for help because they get blamed or judged for bad decision. Sikh community is a very strong community but also equally strict. These girls are sheltered from day one and told what to do and what not to do. They are used to being controlled. I am not saying controlling is a bad thing; you are just trying to protect your child....but keep it to a limit. Let children learn from their mistakes as a little kid and support them and prevent them from making bigger mistakes. Talk to your child as if it is another human being with feelings; try to understand their views in life rather than putting decision on them. Kids look for positive attention elsewhere when they are not getting it at home from the people that matter most...their parents. When they get positive attention from an outsider, they get attached to that person because that person saw them for who they were and not put demands on how they want them to be... That person can be evil, like in this the video. They get drawn into bad situation because they get positive attention from strangers. After that, children make bad decisions which changes their whole life that they regret later but whose there to support them after this. Now if these girls were not so afraid to speak to their parents, they would not be forced into doing things that they knew were wrong. They become victims of a sexual crime and are put on drugs by these criminals...while living under their family’s how sad is that. Once the truth comes out, rather than standing by their child, the parents are ashamed of what people will say and ship the child away to live with others....Now this child is being victimized again for being a victim... where is the justice in this. And instead of supporting this child that went through a nightmare, people are quick to we ever wonder what if this was our child? Why don't we all get together and educate our community and make it easier for children to come to their parents for help rather than being afraid and falling into this trap. Let's get together and give these girls a second chance in life or prevent this crime from ever being committed. For parents of these girls.. Fight for their rights, do not hide them under covers... teach them to live with their chins up and not their heads down... give them strength, don't teach them weakness.. I worked with Indiana Coalition against Domestic Violence and we had our share of sexual abuse and human trafficking cases...we have worked hands on with these victims. They need our understanding and help getting them through their worst nightmare... May we all be less judgmental and stand by these victims and give them support and hope for a better tomorrow... God Bless!!

Importance of Mothers

Good Morning all, I had the most amazing long weekend and a bit tiring also. I am kind of down today because my mom is having a big surgery and I am not by her side. My mom is my strength, my teacher, my everything...she is the root that keeps my family together. Since my heart is with my mom today, let's talk a little bit about the importance of mothers in our lives... A little something I read somewhere by an unknown writer...

A baby asked God, "They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow, but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?"

"Your angel will be waiting for you and will take care of you."

The child further inquired, "But tell me, here in heaven I don't have to do anything but sing and smile to be happy."

God said, "Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you. And you will feel your angel's love and be very happy."

Again the child asked, "And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me if I don't know the language?"

God said, "Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak."

"And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?"

God said, "Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray."

"Who will protect me?"

God said, "Your angel will defend you even if it means risking it's life."

"But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore."

God said, "Your angel will always talk to you about Me and will teach you the way to come back to Me, even though I will always be next to you."

At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from Earth could be heard and the child hurriedly asked, "God, if I am to leave now, please tell me my angel's name."

"You will simply call her, 'Mom.'"

Mothers go through nine months with us in their stomach... feeding us from the day we enter her womb, they comfort us when we are hurting, they stand by us when the rest of the world turns their back on us, they pray for us even when we leave them.... I think it's about time we give a little back. When our parents get old, they are like little it is our turn to take care of them...All they ask for is a little attention and some that too much to ask... Love your parents with all your hearts...they cannot be replaced and when they are gone you can't make up for anything..

Monday, September 2, 2013

Teeyan Festival (Women's Day)

Good Morning all, yesterday was a day well spent. I attended the Teeyan Festival (Women's Day) and it was so well organized, thanks to my friend Parm Takhar. Let me try and show you the festival through my eyes. I walked through the gate into a world full of beautiful bright colors. In this event were stalls of Henna where women and children were lined up to get their henna done, stalls with beautiful Indian jewelry, very glamorous Indian outfits, delicious food and ice cream. Up ahead was the stage which was professionally decorated with bright colors and cultural artifacts. It gave a good taste of India. And on this stage were some amazing performances by women and children. This was a great way to show strength, talent and motivation to others in the audience. IT was so nice to see all the happy faces everywhere you turned.

Asha Sharma and Parm Takhar were hosting the event so elegantly. They made the audience laugh, smile and go in awe, all at the same time. Recognition of women's strength was a big part of this event. We should give more financial, physical and emotional support to events like this to bring out women's true value. Let's all give Parm Takhar a big applaud for putting together such an amazing event!! Thanks Parm for making me a part of this wonderful event... Keep up the great work!!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Life is like a Day

Sorry all, got a little late posting... I went for a long drive with my younger son and a good friend of mine to go visit my cousin sister, My friend said something that really touched me so I had to write about it. She is such a wise soul...

"Life is like a day... it slowly goes up until it reached the highest peak which is the brightest and then slowly comes down and it gets dark and the day ends as life ends." ~TG

It was said so well that I had to blog about it. We are born and from that day until we are teens, our parents look after us so we are carefree. Then we become teens and feel on top of the world because we think we know it all and no one knows better then us. As adults, we learn ways to make money and a name for ourselves in the society. We get married, have children and become successful with a big name. This is the highest peak of our lives...the brightest!! The day comes as we get older, we start to come down slowly bit by bit. Kids grow up, move away, get married and get busy in their own lives. Partner has so many other priorities so not enough time with you. Now our children have a bigger name in the society and we are known more by their name. The person starts to slowly feel all alone and down. So I believe life is like a day. We come alone and empty handed, we leave alone and empty handed... Why not enjoy and treasure every single moment like it's our last!!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Labor Day Weekend

Good Afternoon All.... Everyone is getting ready for the long weekend.. my kids love having the extra day off school. I am looking forward to "Teeyan" (Women's Day) on Sunday. Teeyan is a Punjabi celebration for all women. It is an amazing celebration with different food stalls, colorful Indian outfit stalls, singing, dancing, recognize women for the wonderful things they do. It is such a motivational celebration of and for women. I think celebrations like these should be in all cultures so that everyone can recognize the value and strength of women. We are daughters, sisters, wives, mothers, aunts, and grandmothers. I am so excited to be a part of this celebration. My friend Parm Takhar is putting this event together with the help of other women in the community. Parm is such a great inspiration of mine, she is strong willed and goes out of her way to help others and stands up for what is right. She is a true Women's advocate. May we all get together and celebrate women's day and give hope to our sisters that lose hope in their journey through life... SPREAD happiness!!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Women Power

Good Morning all, I hope everyone is having a beautiful Thursday morning. I will start by sharing a scripture with you.. God has given women the same rights as men. I read in Sikh Scriptures by Guru Nanak Dev ji,

 "Man is born from a woman; within woman, man is conceived; to a woman he is engaged and married. Man is friends with woman; through woman, the future generations exist. When his woman passes away, he seeks another woman; to a woman a man is bound. So why call her bad? From her, kings are born. From a woman, woman is born; without woman there would be no one at all" (Guru Granth Sahib Ji, 473).

Why should a women be called inferior when she is the one that gives us birth. Women give and give and never ask anything in return because God has given us that strength. We are not weak, we can stand up to any big storm that comes our way... just have confidence, respect and love for yourself. You should not put up with injustice and fight for your rights. Women have a lot of rights, you just have to educate yourself with your rights and fight for them. God made us all equal as human, no one is more superior than the other.. Know your life king size!!!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Drama Free Life

Good Evening everyone, my day started out late today. So today let's talk about drama created by gossip and lies. Everyone wants a drama free life but nothing is being done to make it happen. Drama free life is staying away from gossip... when you hear two people gossip, just walk away... Don't become interested in the scoop about someone.. If people are talking about someone behind their back, more then likely it is a bunch of lies... because if it was the truth, this person would have the courage to say it to this person's face then talk about them behind their back. This just happened to a friend of mine and it really hurt her feelings... to the point that she had an anxiety attack. The person talking about her did not know what damage she had caused. Everyone is accountable for there action.. this person may be the next to be talked hurts when the shoe is on the other foot..

"Usually the people who degrade others are self conscious about themselves. They want to feel empowerment over you & see you get in your feelings. Don’t let them." ~ Quotekiss

"No matter what you do, bad or good, people are always gonna have something to say about it. Just remember this: if people always have something to say about your life, that’s saying little about their own. Keep your head up, stay strong, and just breathe." ~ Quotekiss

To the victims of gossip.. it is all cheap talk...don't let it bring you down... people that talk about others are bored with their own lives... Keep your head up and SMILE!!!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Judging Others

Good Morning to all my friends, I apologize for not writing yesterday my kids and I were all sick yesterday. But here I am to start the beautiful Tuesday with you all. Today we are going to talk about judging people. I will start off with a quote...

“How would your life be different if…You stopped making negative judgmental assumptions about people you encounter? Let today be the day…You look for the good in everyone you meet and respect their journey.”   ~ Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free    

We are quick to judge others by the decisions others make in life. Who are we to judge other... none of us are perfect, we all make mistakes...rather I would call them lessons. God put some choices in front of us and we make one choice and learn from it. We are all here to learn...everyday we learn something new...sometimes from kids, friends or total strangers and most of the time from our own choices. It is sad when one judges someone and goes off talking about that individual... do you even once sit back and think what if that was you, that you just put your judgment upon... how is this individual being effected by the way you judge them... Like I said we have no right to judge others as none of us are perfect... Like Steve Maraboli says... " Let today be the day.. You look for the good in everyone you meet and respect their journey"   their journey in life.. Life is beautiful...spread happiness!!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Another Beautiful Sunday Morning...

It is another beautiful Sunday morning... my day is starting with chanting my prayers. .praying for everyone's happiness and well being.

"Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them."
 ~Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama

I am writing this quote to remind us all how important it is NOT to hurt another and to be human. Being a Victim's Advocate, I see innocent people being hurt all the time...let it be women, children or even men in some cases. Be human, treat others as you want to be treated. Why hurt one another... what satisfaction does that gain?  The ones that hurt people walk away, not to look back even for a second for the tears and heart breaks they have caused. And to the victim's who have the potential of becoming survivors. Just reach out for help and it will be provided. God sends angels in form of human to protect you when in need... I have seen this first hand as once I myself was a victim and now a survivor for 16 years. These are all lessons that we learn from and grow.. Grow and live life to the fullest without fear and without putting others in fear...

Saturday, August 24, 2013



We all wonder what our future holds... Our future is what we make of it. It is in our hands to make the future what we want it to be. It all starts with positive thinking.... if we think we can do something or become something...we can!! We just have to send positive thoughts out to attract the positive into our lives. There is always a solution to our problems...and remember problems are temporary. Life is beautiful... SMILE and start your day in a beautiful way :)